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The DAKSH Podcast

The DAKSH podcast attempts to simplify the law and justice system for the regular Indian citizen. DAKSH is a Bangalore-based non-profit working on judicial reforms and access to justice. Through this podcast we want to explore the nuances of law and justice. We will talk to experts in various areas of this domain and discuss our own research. Join us in this journey to understand how the complex and often forbidding law and justice system affects our everyday lives and why we should care about it.

In this episode, Valay Singh of the India Justice Report (IJR) delves into the critical state of justice capacity in India, highlighting key findings from the India Justice Reports from 2019 and 2022.

In this episode, we explore the depiction of custodial violence in films with Deepanjana Pal. Deepanjana Pal is a journalist and author. She writes about culture and society…

In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas speaks with Ajay Shah about systemic challenges in the Indian legal system, particularly around case hearings…

In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas discussed the controversial practice known as Bulldozer Justice in India. What drives the sudden demolitions …

After the nail-biting election results in India on June 4, 2024, with margins fluctuating dramatically, many contemplated the possibility of defections of …

In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas interviews Advocate Vikram Hedge, an Advocate-on-Record at the Supreme Court who practises at courts in …

Our guest for this episode is Justice (retd.) S Muralidhar, former Chief Justice of the High Court of Orissa and former Judge of the Punjab and Haryana …

In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas speaks to Senior Advocate Raju Ramachandran, a former Additional Solicitor General and who has been…

In this episode of the DAKSH Podcast, Leah Verghese spoke to Apurva Vishwanath about court reporting…

In this episode, the second in our series on elections, Leah Verghese discusses the Election…

In this episode, the first in our series on elections, Leah Verghese discusses the Election Commission…

In this episode, we explore latest developments in Indian politics, economics, foreign policy, society, and culture…..
In this episode, we will discuss how technology can improve the justice system and how we should monitor that improvement….
In this episode we explore what this principle means and ponder on how it can be used to promote transparency in the court system….
In this episode, we go back more than 130 years and examine the reactions to the British government increasing the age of consent….
In this episode, we break down the meaning of “unconstitutionality” and do a quick explainer of what it means to declare a law….
Nick Goodwin has joined us today to talk about the roles and responsibilities of the HMCTS and its plans…. 

Abhinav helps us understand what the extent of these police powers are and emerging legal developments that may lead to reform….

Manaswini Rao joins us to discuss this emerging field of study and how it can inform policy changes. We emphasise the importance….
In this episode, we speak to Justice Prabha Sridevan who takes us through the various perspectives associated….
In this episode, our guest was Swethaa Ballakrishnen whom we spoke to about their research on women’s representation….
In this episode, we spoke to Milan Vaishnav, the host of the popular podcasts ‘Grand Tamasha’ about the criminalisation of politics….
In this episode we talk to Professor Rohit De, a lawyer and scholar of south Asian legal history. He is the author of the book….
The elections in the world’s largest democracy are often described as a dance of democracy. Here are some statistics just to give you….
In this episode, we spoke to Anushka Shah, the founder of Civic Studios and Chaitanya Tamhane, the writer and director….
In Episode 9 of the DAKSH Podcast we discussed “de-notified tribes” or “vimukta” communities and what they show….
In Episode 8 of the DAKSH Podcast, we discussed custodial violence and the broader issue of access to justice for women….
In Episode 7 of the DAKSH podcast, we speak to Dr. CK Mathew, a former bureaucrat and current academic, researcher and author….
On Episode 6 we spoke to Dr Anup Surendranath who is the Executive Director of Project 39A and an Assistant Professor of Law Delhi…. 
In Episode 5 of the DAKSH Podcast we discussed undertrial detention in Indian prisons. One of the tragedies of the Indian prison system is….
In episode 4 of the DAKSH Podcast we spoke to Priya Ravichnadran, an independent analyst in the field of politics….
In Episode 3 of the DAKSH podcast, we are joined by Chethana V, a family lawyer practising in Chennai. Family courts are interesting in many aspects….
In Episode 2 of the DAKSH Podcast, we discussed public interest litigation in the higher judiciary in India. A PIL or public….
In Episode 1 of the DAKSH Podcast we discussed policing in India. The police are at the frontline of the criminal justice system.

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