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In a recent Supreme Court order in All India Judges’ Association vs Union of India, the court expressed its “considered view” that assistance of ‘Court Managers’ “is needed for a proper administrative set up in a court.”

The Supreme Court of India in the case of All India Judges Association & Ors. v. Union of India & Ors., in its order dated 2 August 2018, has highlighted an often ignored problem with the Indian judiciary – the deplorable infrastructure of our courts.

A more widespread discussion on the Memorandum of Procedure is necessary because the process of appointment needs an overhaul.

What good is a law that seems perfect in theory but remains ineffectual in practice? The central government’s ordinance on sexual offences has been in the news for many reasons, primarily for introducing the death penalty as punishment for the rape of a child under 12.

Have you ever wondered how many women approach the judiciary to file cases in court? This post seeks to shed some light on the number of cases filed by women in the subordinate courts across India, as well as highlight the nature of cases filed by them in comparison to the nature of cases pending in the subordinate courts of India.

In an unprecedented move, the judge of the High Court of Bombay, Justice Kathawala heard the cases listed in his court till 3:30 am in the morning.

Should it really take 20 years for a case to be decided? That is the question I am left pondering over after witnessing the entire episode on Salman Khan’s conviction.

Reducing the role of justice dispensation and its ranking to a mere count of cases is also worrisome as it may incentivise a blind need to increase the number of cases disposed without ensuring reasoned quality decisions.

Last week on this blog, I wrote about Justice Gautam Patel’s refreshing approach to adjournments and costs. Justice Patel’s order has now been overruled by a division bench of the Mumbai High Court, in an order dated March 7, 2018.

Justice Gautam Patel’s order dated 27 February 2018 in Ram Nagar Trust No. 1 v. Mehtab Sheikh imposing a cost of Rs. 1000 for each of the 450 days of delay in filing an affidavit, by the plaintiff, is an extremely important one in the context of the enormous delay that characterizes our judicial system.

In addition to using a more scientific and data-oriented method to calculate the number of judges needed in a court, the appointment process for the judiciary also needs to be made simpler.

Pendency has always been a thorn in the Indian Judiciary. Well, the market for justice has moved, but we surely need to look for a solution to counter it.

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