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The Case for Improved Causelists

“The Case for Improved Causelists” is a working paper that emphasises the vital role of causelists in the legal system and based on an analysis of causelists (High Courts and Supreme Court) and conversations with stakeholders, suggests changes that could be made to causelist design and comprehensiveness which can make them accessible and user-friendly. The paper seeks to spark conversations around often neglected issues within the legal system, such as the necessity for predictability in court hearing schedules, the need to challenge existing perceptions, and the need for practical solutions aimed at improving transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity in legal proceedings.

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Here is an overview of the paper

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Compilation of various issues faced by multiple stakeholders who interact with the legal system

Compilation of best practices in causelist design followed in Indian Courts (High Courts and Supreme Court)

Compilation of best practices in causelist design followed in International Courts

Suggestions for components of a model causelist

Various factors that will impact the implementation of the suggestions provided in this paper.


Taking suggestions from our research, we have created a prototype for an interactive and accessible causelist. This website serves as a prototype for visualising a model causelist. For best results, kindly view this website on a computer screen.

How to use this website?

Watch the video below to learn more about the prototype webpage and how to navigate through its contents.

The listing project is a collaborative project. Please send any suggestions, or feedback on the working paper or the model causelist, to communications@dakshindia.org

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