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Accessing the courts as journalists

In this episode of the DAKSH Podcast, Leah Verghese spoke to Apurva Vishwanath about court reporting. The courts are forbidding institutions with complex procedures. Often regular citizens can access the courts only through what is reported through the media. In this episode, Apurva discussed how she became a legal journalist, the challenges with legal reporting in India and live tweeting.

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  1. MĀRGA – Media And its Role in Governance and Accountability https://www.dakshindia.org/marga/
  2. Live tweeting from courts puts enormous burden on judges: CJI DY Chandrachud https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/live-tweeting-from-courts-puts-enormous-burden-on-judges-cji-dy-chandrachud-2348442-2023-03-18


Host: Leah Verghese

This is a Maed in India production.

Producer: Sean D’mello

Sound Design & Mixing: Vijay Doiphode

Project Supervisor: Shaun Fanthome

Accessing the courts as journalists


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