I. The Imperative of Timely Justice:
In the case of Yashpal Jain v. Sushila Devi and others1 Hon’ble Justice Aravind Kumar emphasized the frustration experienced by litigants due to the slow pace of the legal process. The bench also expressed concern over cases languishing for decades, some even over 50 years, as reported by the NJDG. To address this issue, the bench issued 11 directives aimed at expediting the disposal of cases at the trial court level. However, it’s notable that the bench did not extend these directives to the High Courts where cases have been pending for extensive periods.
The impetus for systemic reform is also underscored in the case of Smt. Thirkkavva & anr V Ratnavva & Others2, where parties endured a staggering 16-year wait for a final hearing and verdict, despite the absence of significant legal complexities. This egregious delay serves as a reminder of the necessity of timely justice and highlights the systemic hurdles.