In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas interviews Advocate Vikram Hedge, an Advocate-on-Record at the Supreme Court who practises at courts in Karnataka and Delhi, as well as in other High Courts and Tribunals. The conversation begins by shedding light on the lesser-known aspects of a lawyer’s tasks, leading to discussions on common challenges faced by lawyers, litigants, and the public when accessing courts. Issues such as lack of adequate notice before hearings and the uncertainty surrounding court dates are explored. The importance of causelists in addressing these challenges is emphasised, along with suggestions on how they can be improved. Furthermore, the conversation delves into the necessity of listing rules to enhance transparency in the functioning of courts.
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Host: Leah Verghese
This is a Maed in India production.
Producer: Sean D’mello
Sound Design & Mixing: Vijay Doiphode
Project Supervisor: Shaun Fanthome