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Case Scheduling and Institutional Reforms

In this episode, Ninni Susan Thomas speaks with Ajay Shah about systemic challenges in the Indian legal system, particularly around case hearings, scheduling, and potential solutions. They question whether the focus on issues like pendency and the number of judges overshadows the correctness of decision-making. Emphasising a first principles perspective, the discussion stresses addressing root causes, rather than symptoms such as high case pendency and delays. Other key areas discussed include timely justice, case resolution predictability, and courts’ accountability as service providers. Reducing judges’ administrative burdens to improve adjudication efficiency was also highlighted. The conversation explored the potential of IT reforms and AI in judicial processes, advocating for efficiency while cautioning against superficial implementation.



Host: Ninni Susan Thomas

This is a Maed in India production.

Producer: Sean D’mello

Sound Design & Mixing:  Vijay Doiphode

Project Supervisor: Shaun Fanthome



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