DAKSH invites you to a thought-provoking webinar on improving judicial efficiency through better case scheduling. This session will feature a discussion on the paper “Service Operations for Justice-on-Time: A Data-Driven Queueing Approach,” by Nitin Bakshi, Jeunghyun Kim, and Ramandeep S. Randhawa, which explores innovative ways to reduce judicial delays by up to 65%—without increasing the number of judges.
The paper, using data from the Supreme Court of India, challenges the conventional wisdom that judicial backlogs can only be solved by appointing more judges. Instead, the research highlights how strategic scheduling and capacity allocation can significantly improve efficiency. By identifying key bottlenecks and reallocating judicial resources more effectively, the study presents a practical, data-driven solution to one of India’s most pressing judicial challenges.
The event will be moderated by C.H. Rohith who is a data analyst at DAKSH.
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