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Vikram Raghavan on “George Gadbois and the Judges of India’s Supreme Court”

Place: Bengaluru
Date: 7 January 2016

Using photographs and archival documents, Vikram Raghavan focused on the work of George Gadbois, an American political scientist who spent several decades studying the Indian judiciary. Besides several pioneering articles and research papers, Gadbois authored the Judges of the Supreme Court of India, a widely consulted book now in its fifth printing. The book relies on several decades of research including exclusive interviews with retired justices, their close relatives, and members of the bar.

Vikram Raghavan works for an international organisation. He created and contributes to a blog called Law and Other Things and writes occasional pieces for the Economic and Political Weekly. He is the author of Communications Law in India (LexisNexis, 2006) and a co-editor of Comparative Constitutionalism in South Asia (Oxford University Press, 2013). Presently, Vikram is working on a narrative account about how India became a constitutional republic in 1950.

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